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Story Points: Whats the point?
Let me start by saying that I do believe that Story Points are if not one of the best ways to provide high-level project estimates. However, in my experience the usage of Story Points and their underlying benefits are greatly misunderstood, which affects their usefulness and reputation.
1. Story Points are for HIGH-level project estimates. In the past, during the waterfall era, projects were analysed, estimated, and planned upfront using time-based estimates and presented using Gantt charts.
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Will AI take my job
It’s just a tool I’ve heard this argument many times over, and I tend to agree here. If we think about AI as simply a tool to leverage for our jobs, then we can liken it to the introduction of the calculator. I like this analogy, as it transcends more than just jobs, there is also the impact these tools have on our education systems. Admittedly, it was well before my time, but I am led to believe the introduction of calculators was met with resistance from educators.
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Finding my Why
What do I want to be when I grow up? A Doctor, A Teacher, A Policeman… Here is a question we are all asked from a very early age, and even now at 41 I’ve never had an answer to this question. I’ve just ended up where I am, as I have meandered from one job to the next, without much deliberate consideration as to where I am heading.
Recently, kids at my daughter’s school were asked this question.
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